New magazine for Scouts and Venturers

GingGangGoolieScan_400pxTwo of our members launched an online magazine for Scouts and Venturers this week. You can check it out at Here’s how they sum up what the magazine is about:

“We’ll cover all kinds of things for Scouts, Sea Scouts, Venturers and everyone interested in the amazing life of Scouting.

We’re planning regular features like The Adventure Log, Living the Promise, doing it old school, Scout tech, camp recipes, cooking disasters, gear and campsite reviews, hardcore pioneering, photo galleries, adventure ideas, Ask a Scout/er, and Founder’s thoughts.

There’ll be plans for gadgets, running your Court of Honour, Scouting on your own, planning awesome camps, book and movie reviews, comics, Jamboree experiences and opportunities, code making and breaking, electronics, patrol activities and lots more.”